Elisabeth Ujeneza
Head of Software Solutions at Rwanda Information Society Authority(RISA)
www.risa.rwElisabeth Ujeneza is the head of Software Solutions at Rwanda Information Society Authority(RISA), the institution mandated to plan, coordinate and implement Rwanda's ICT Agenda.
She has 7 years experience in Software engineering and over 2 years as a manager of software development teams and Projects including the recent GoR TYPO3 web project. She is the Acting chair of the recently started TYPO3 CMS Rwanda-Africa web community.
Elisabeth is very active towards bridging the gender digital divide through her initiative "GirlsTechTalk" and other platforms like STEM fairs and Technovation.
She is a passionate mother of a 6years old Girl.
Presentation - TYPO3 in Rwanda - the strategy and the journey
Panel - TYPO3 in Europe and Africa - current status and perspectives