Ubaldo J. Taladriz Truan
CEO of EXE, Chile & Computer Science Engineer, University of Chile
www.exe.clPresident of CHILETEC (the Chilean National Chamber of IT Companies), with more than 25 years of industry experience as entrepreneur and senior executive, leader of innovation and transformation projects. Ubaldo has been CEO in EXE, CTO in EXEIOT, CTO in Altkimia and senior consultant to multiple public and private initiatives Ubaldo has participated in different projects of high impact in Chile, including: Leadership of technical team implementing the OAIS standar for document preservation for Archivo Nacional 2018, leadership of SILOGPORT (2006-2008, 2012-2015) the digital transformation of Valparaiso Port, leadership of the technical team of the electronic id and passport(SICE 2009-2010), leadership
of the technical team for payment portal of TGR (Tesorería General de la república, 2004), leadership of the technical team for the modernization of CGR (Contraloría General de la República, 2003).
Ubaldo as CTO of EXEIOT, is developing a new Smart Pole solutions for Smart cities and video analytics solutions. Ubaldo is professor in the University Gabriela Mistral since 2016, teaching different courses in Bigdata and streamming data processing. His personal interests are related to programming languages, and cyclocross, route and mountain biking.
Panel - TYPO3 in the Americas - current status, project showcases, perspectives