Founder & CEO of Sitegeist, Germany
www.sitegeist.deSven is a Internet Professional since 1996. He is the founder and CEO of the agency sitegeist in Hamburg.
He has been a speaker or keynote speaker for countless events like the worlds biggest tourism fair "ITB" in Berlin, the Travel Industry Club, BITKOM, T3EE13+14, T3CON15 Asia, a lot of national and international BarCamps, and the T3CON 13, 14 and 15.
He is also the inventor of the RE.A.L. method - a combination of R.aw E.stimates with A.gile and L.ean components - which shows agencies and clients the most efficient way to do projects.
With his talk about this concept he was awarded several times for the best talk, for example at T3CON15 and T3CON16.
Panel - Extreme agility and NoEstimates - is this the future of how we should work?